subsequent بعد، متعاقب، بعدی subsequent events proved her wrong حوادث بعدی ثابت کرد که او اشتباه می کند the theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906 این نظریه پس از زلزله ۱۹۰۶ توسعه یافت He was surprised and impressed by his former band leader’s subsequent success او از موفقیت بعدی رهبر سابق گروه […]


بعد، متعاقب، بعدی

subsequent events proved her wrong

حوادث بعدی ثابت کرد که او اشتباه می کند

the theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906

این نظریه پس از زلزله ۱۹۰۶ توسعه یافت

He was surprised and impressed by his former band leader’s subsequent success

او از موفقیت بعدی رهبر سابق گروه خود شگفت زده و تحت تاثیر قرار گرفت

It opens in the same period and follows their subsequent changes in fortune

در همان دوره باز می شود و تغییرات متعاقب آنها را در ثروت دنبال می کند