اشتباه: خسته نباشید Don’t be tired more power to you گزینه های صحیح: Thank you sir I enjoyed your class, Sir  Good job sir اشتباه: چای چسبید.  The tea stuck صحیح: The tea gave me a real buzz اشتباه: پدرم دراومد. My father came out صحیح: l had one of those days I had a […]

اشتباه: خسته نباشید

Don’t be tired

more power to you

گزینه های صحیح:

Thank you sir

I enjoyed your class, Sir

 Good job sir

اشتباه: چای چسبید.
 The tea stuck

The tea gave me a real buzz

اشتباه: پدرم دراومد.
My father came out

l had one of those days

I had a tough time