take issue = disagree= express an opposed مخالفت کردن با چیزی–نظر مخالف داشتن take issue با حرف اضافه with همراه است. مثال: I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions I must take issue with a comment you made yesterday take into account = take account of = To consider or regard= […]

take issue = disagree= express an opposed

مخالفت کردن با چیزینظر مخالف داشتن

take issue با حرف اضافه with همراه است.


I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions

I must take issue with a comment you made yesterday

take into account = take account of = To consider or regard= pay attention to

در نظر گرفتن- توجه داشتن به موضوعی

A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings

take heart = be encouraged = be comforted = cheer up

دلگرم شدن / افزایش روحیه پیدا کردن / خوش ذوق و روحیه شدن

take effect= to become operative= start to apply

عملیاتی شدن -اجرایی شدن- اثر کردن


The new regulations will take effect next year

مقررات جدید از سال آینده اجرایی خواهد شد