Common mistakes اشتباه Don’t say: I have great confidence to you  درست Say: I have great confidence in you اشتباه  Don’t say: Our class is composed from thirty students درست  Say: Our class is composed of thirty students اشتباه  Don’t say: Annette complained for the weather درست Say: Annette complained about the weather اشتباه  Don’t […]

Common mistakes

اشتباه Don’t say: I have great confidence to you
 درست Say: I have great confidence in you

اشتباه  Don’t say: Our class is composed from thirty students
درست  Say: Our class is composed of thirty students

اشتباه  Don’t say: Annette complained for the weather
درست Say: Annette complained about the weather

اشتباه  Don’t say: He traveled with the train yesterday
درست Say: He traveled by train yesterday

اشتباه Don’t say: James boasted for his strength
درست Say: James boasted of (or about) his strength

اشتباه Don’t say: Elke is very careful for her health
درست say: Elke is very careful of/about his health

اشتباه Don’t say: We believe to God
درست Say: We believe in God

اشتباه Don’t say: We arrived to the village at night
درست Say: We arrived at the village at night

اشتباه Don’t say: He’s now ashamed from his conduct
درست Say: He’s now ashamed of his conduct

اشتباه The girl is afraid from the dog
درست The girl is afraid of the dog

اشتباه The teacher was angry from him
درست The teacher was angry with him

اشتباه He got angry from the weather
درست He got angry at the weather

اشتباه We arrived to the hotel at night
درست We arrived at the hotel at night