Basic I’m tired  Advanced I’m beat  Basic Time to go to bed  Advanced Time to hit the sack  Basic Keep trying, don’t give up  Advanced Hang in there Basic Everybody was panicking  Advanced Everybody was freaking out Basic My new job is wonderful  Advanced My new job rocks/ rules  Basic I agree with what you […]

I’m tired

I’m beat

Time to go to bed

Time to hit the sack

Keep trying, don’t give up

Hang in there

Everybody was panicking

Everybody was freaking out

My new job is wonderful

My new job rocks/ rules

I agree with what you said

I can’t argue with that

The new technology completely amazed me

The new technology blew me away

؟Do you understand what I am saying

?Do you get my drift

Plans are still undecided or uncertain

Things are still up in the air