بایگانیهای that clause - الفبای زبان
یک نکته گرامری درباره عبارت «take into account»
هنگام استفاده از عبارت take into account اگر بخواهیم از that clause استفاده کنیم، باید قبل از آن عبارت the fact را بکار ببریم: take into account + the fact + that -clause I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my […]
too & so & such
به سه جمله زیر دقت کنید مصدر (با to) .Jerry was too young to watch the movie مصدر (با to) .The tea was too hot for me to drink (that clause) .The tea was so hot that I couldn’t drink it (that clause) .It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it هر سه […]
Saturday, 22 February , 2025