جملات کوتاه انگلیسی همراه ترجمه (۶۴)
Dream so big they call you crazy اينقدر روياهاى بزرگى داشته باش که همه بهت بگن ديونه . The distance between dreams and reality is called action فاصله ى بين رويا و واقعيت ، اسمش اقدام هست . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams آينده متعلق به كسانى […]
جملات کوتاه انگلیسی همراه ترجمه (۶۳)
If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose اگر اشتباه کرده اید، همیشه فرصت دیگری برای شما وجود دارد. هر لحظه که بخواهید ممکن است شروع جدیدی داشته باشید He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish […]
جملات کوتاه انگلیسی همراه ترجمه (۶۲)
Success doesn’t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it موفقيت همينجورى نمياد پيدات كنه. تو بايد برى بدستش بیاری Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears معجزه ها وقتى شروع به اتفاق افتادن ميكنن كه به […]
داستان کوتاه «Love and Time» همراه ترجمه فارسی
Love and Time Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love Love was the only one who stayed. […]
داستان کوتاه انگلیسی «Blame» همراه ترجمه
Blame One day a man went for a walk on the beach. He saw that a ship full of passengers struck a rock and capsized in the sea. The ship went under water and all the people on board fell into the sea. As they did not know how to swim, they drowned one by […]
داستان «Blame» با ترجمه
Blame One day a man went for a walk on the beach. He saw that a ship full of passengers struck a rock and capsized in the sea. The ship went under water and all the people on board fell into the sea. As they did not know how to swim, they drowned one by […]
Saturday, 22 February , 2025