جملات آموزنده و امید بخش انگلیسی (۱۳)
Stop waiting for others, focus on your goals and progress, the only one who can help you is only you منتظر دیگران موندن رو تموم کن، روی اهداف و پیشرفت زندگیت تمرکز کن، تنها کسی کهبه تو میتونه کمک کنه فقط و فقط خودتی. Never be in a hurry do everything quietly and in a […]
جملات آموزنده و امید بخش انگلیسی (۱۰)
Don’t make yourself miserable with what is to come or not to come خودت را با آنچه قرار است بیاید یا نیامده بدبخت نکن. The older you get, the more you realize it’s not about who knows the longest. it’s about who makes you feel seen, heard, understood, appreciated, supported and loved هر چه سن […]
جملات آموزنده و امید بخش انگلیسی
Overcome in private Transform in private Improve in private Explore in private Create in private Study in private Build in private Grow in private Heal in private Love in private Date in private Lose in private Win in private Do in private Be private در حریم خصوصی به خود غلبه کنید. در حریم خصوصی تحول […]
جملات زیبای انگلیسی (۶)
Life is not linear, you have ups and downs. It’s how you deal with the troughs that defines you. You will always have ups and downs in your life and your career, but just stay positive and go for it. In life, you have ups and downs, but you should never give up زندگی خطی […]
Sunday, 9 March , 2025