Dream so big they call you crazy اينقدر روياهاى بزرگى داشته باش که همه بهت بگن ديونه . The distance between dreams and reality is called action فاصله ى بين رويا و واقعيت ، اسمش اقدام هست . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams آينده متعلق به كسانى […]
Dream so big they call you crazy
اينقدر روياهاى بزرگى داشته باش که همه بهت بگن ديونه .
The distance between dreams and reality is called action
فاصله ى بين رويا و واقعيت ، اسمش اقدام هست .
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
آينده متعلق به كسانى ست كه زيبايى روياهاشون رو باور دارن .
Don’t let small minds tell you that your dreams are too big
اجازه نده ذهن هاى كوچك بهت بگن
كه روياهات زيادى بزرگه .
Monday, 10 February , 2025